Before we get started, it is important to know that the discount code feature currently has limited functionality, and can only be used on direct group booking pages. Additionally, the discount is applied to the balance after deposit, and therefore the remaining balance must be more than the value of the discount code in order for the code to be applied. |
Create your discount code
Discount codes allow you to offer your clients an ongoing, fixed-dollar discount on their final price when booking via a direct group booking page. To create a discount code, visit Step 2: Pricing while editing your page and scroll to the bottom, where you will see a button to create a code:
Click this button and enter your code along with a fixed-dollar discount amount, then save it. You will see all of your saved codes for this page below the button. These codes only apply to this specific group booking page:
How clients apply the code
At any time after selecting their package and prior to completing checkout, the client may choose to enter their discount code by click this option in the pricing area:
Tracking code usage
Discount codes will show up in your Commission & Sales reporting on the "Details" tab. Perhaps the best way to find this for a specific group is to set the filter to "Trip Start Date" and the date range on this report to "All Time," and search for the group name using the report search bar, just below the date range picker.
Once you have your list of all payments for the group, sort by payment amount from lowest to highest. As discount codes are negative payments, they will appear first in the list. Each item will be identified as a discount:
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