Getting Started
Using TravelJoy
Account Management
Setting up your account
- Take off with TravelJoy ✈️
- Add your agency logo and contact info
- Create your email signature
- Import your client list
- Set a default trip photo
- Send outgoing messages from your email address
- Using the Dashboard
- Using the Navigation bar
- Become a pro using your Test Trip
- Customizing trip stages on the Dashboard
Account setup checklist
- Step 1: Set yourself up for success
- Step 2: Optimize your workflow
- Step 3: Become a TravelJoy expert
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See All Articles
- Create an itinerary or smart proposal 🎥
- Use the library to import existing items or entire proposals into your Smart Proposal
- Offer multiple options on smart proposals
- Create custom library item templates
- Convert documents into smart proposal or itinerary items
- Import cruise content into your smart proposal or itinerary
- Build your first group booking page
- Create a group itinerary
- Add, edit, or delete group notes
- Add a child rate to your group package
- Track and manage roommates/rooming lists
- Build and edit extra options for your group booking page
- Collect payments or authorizations from your clients
- Why haven't I received my expected bank deposit?
- Securely share credit card details with your suppliers
- Pay your suppliers
- What is the difference between supplier invoices and direct invoices? 🎥
- Withdraw funds from TravelJoy
- Message Notifications
- Personalize your emails with merge fields
- Send a confirmation email after a payment or authorization has been submitted
- Send a confirmation email after a form has been submitted
- Marking messages as spam 🎥
- Does TravelJoy have a spellcheck feature? 🎥
- Send forms to collect client details, signed agreements, and authorizations 🎥
- How do I add terms and conditions or a credit card authorization to my form template?
- Multi-traveler forms
- Share a template with colleagues outside your team
- How can clients submit a form response for roommates or family members traveling with them?
- Create a custom confirmation template
- Automatically add a task list to all new trips
- Use a task to automatically send a message to your client
- Sync your TravelJoy calendar to Google or Outlook
- Use color-coding to organize your calendar
- Create a task list template
- Import your task list
Clients and suppliers
- Send our app for itineraries to your clients
- Review important upcoming dates
- Tag your clients
- Collect and store client vaccine cards
- Why does every traveler have their own profile?
- Embed a client inquiry form on your website 🎥
- Use filters to find a specific item or transaction in your reports
- Understanding the Bank Transfers Report
- What types of reporting can I see in TravelJoy?
- Understanding the Direct Payments Report
- Commissions & Sales Reports
- Upgrade to annual membership
- View and update your TravelJoy membership
- Cancel or pause your TravelJoy account
- Does TravelJoy offer referrals? How do they work?
- How much does TravelJoy cost?
Account settings
- Update your personal account settings
- Change the email address you use to log in
- Set your time zone to send automated messages on time
- Strengthen your account security with 2-step verification
- Reset a forgotten or expired password
- Update your password
- Why am I being asked to change my password?
- Why am I being asked to re-enter my password?
- Does TravelJoy share my client data?
Direct payments
- How do I fix this error when verifying my bank account through Plaid?
- Understanding your 1099 forms
- Why do you need my social security number or photo ID?
- Are TravelJoy payments and credit card storage secure?
- Introduction to TravelJoy teams and assistants
- Toggle team member access to direct payments settings
- Enable team members and assistants to access multiple accounts or payment details
- Forward your email notifications to an assistant or team member
- How do teams work in TravelJoy, and who is eligible?
- Refer a trip to your team member
Messaging settings
- Managing email notification settings
- Add DNS records to send emails from your domain
- Disable your custom outgoing email settings
- Save a copy of sent messages in your sent mail folder 🎥
- Help clients recognize your messages by connecting your business email account to TravelJoy
- Permissions required to connect your Gmail or G Suite account
Disputes and fraud
- Proactively protect your business against disputes
- How to spot suspicious or fraudulent activity
- What do I need to prove that a client has withdrawn their dispute?
- How disputes work
- Respond to a dispute