- Build your first group booking page
- Create a group itinerary
- Add, edit, or delete group notes
- Add a child rate to your group package
- Track and manage roommates/rooming lists
- Build and edit extra options for your group booking page
- Manage your group booking page settings
- Build and edit packages for your group booking page
- Build a page for clients to book their group trip 🎥
- Create and use a group to organize your trips 🎥
- Manage and track your group's bookings
- Set up travel dates for your group booking page
- Offer a discount code on direct group booking pages
- Edit your existing group booking page
- Import a task list to new trips automatically when using a group booking page
- Cancel a trip that is part of a group booking
- Change a booking's room type or travel dates
- Add a trip to your group
- Convert a trip into a group
- Archive an entire group
- Duplicate a package on your group booking page
- Duplicate a group booking page
- Set a maximum room quantity for your group booking page
- Set up group booking package pricing based on number of passengers
- The difference between a trip and a group
- Generate monthly payments for Group Bookings
- Create and send a group invoice
- Send a group form with a link
- Move an existing trip in or out of a group
- Create and send a group registration form