TravelJoy's Group Booking feature completely overhauls the way you handle groups large and small by allowing thorough customization options and automating so many parts of the Group Booking process. Let's get started.
First, of course, you'll need to create a group.
After that, click Create -> Group Booking Page:
From here, you'll create your landing page for the trip, with all of the necessary details, inclusions, exclusions, and itineraries:
Next, you'll add pricing and options from which your clients will be able to select:
At the bottom of this section, you'll choose the settings for the page, such as whether you'd like to use a monthly payment schedule, which confirmation template the client will see after they book, and which terms and conditions you'd like the client to agree to during checkout:
Finally, you'll choose the forms to be filled out by the primary traveler and any additional travelers:
From here, you can preview or publish the form. Once published, your clients will be able to check out the itinerary and trip details, choose their room type, add on excursions, fill out the required forms, and leave their deposit all in one visit!
As clients, form responses, and deposits roll in, you'll be notified via email, and each new client will have their own trip tab created within the group, allowing you to reach out with a personalized touch to make their trip an experience to remember.
To access your Group Booking page later, head to the All Travelers tab in your group and click Group Files:
From there, you can click the three dots at the top-right corner of your Group Booking page to edit, view, or delete the page. If the page is published, you can also find the link to the page from the same menu:
If you need to publish a previously-saved draft, click to open the page and then follow the instructions above to publish the page.
Hi, I'm looking for more guidance on creating a Group Form. (1) I'm not sure why it's needed. What information is it gathering? (2) If the client already completed the client profile or client inquiry form, do they still need to complete a form within the group? (3) This example selects a questionnaire previously created. It would be nice to see that step in a training demonstration.
A typical group booking scenario includes vacation packages (hotel, air, ground transfers) with various room categories to choose from and various occupancy limits. Is there a video with that shows this. It feels complicated and cumbersome to try to set up.
Hi Mary! It looks like you have a number of questions, including questions related to other features such as Group Forms and Creating Form Templates. In this case, it may be best to reach out directly to our support team by clicking the blue "Help" button at the bottom-right corner of the screen so that we can take a closer look at your account and provide a more thorough response.
I will be reaching out to you directly momentarily. Keep an eye on your inbox for an email with the subject "TravelJoy Support Follow-Up." Thanks!
What is the Group Booking Page width for photo formatting?
Good morning Alicia!
Assuming this refers to the photo at the top of the page, this is known as the Group Photo (and is functionally the same as the Trip Photo at the top of trips). The default size is 1200 px width, 300 px height.
For all images that have a recommended size, you can also refer to this guide.
I created a group booking page and allowed clients to authorize payments to pay the supplier. One client stated that once she clicked authorize, $1.00 was deducted from her account and was labeled as a hold by google. Is this something that was initiated by Travel Joy?
Hi Tiffani!
This would not be related to TravelJoy.
I wanted to share a couple of important notes which may come in handy to best understand what to expect when your clients make payments or authorizations:
Please feel free to reach out with any further questions!
Hi Alan,
This was a great tutorial. Once the group booking page is published, is it possible to go back and edit it? Thanks, Sheyla
To edit the booking page after you've created it, go to the main group page -- you can get there by clicking "View Group" on your dashboard or "All Travelers" from within a trip in that group -- and then open the page from your Group Files tab.
Once you make any change, be sure to click the Publish button to save them!
Hi, I have two questions. First, when doing an individual trip, the first thing I do is send my travel services agreement form for them to review terms and conditions and sign off on. How do I get them to do that with a group booking page? Second, is there anyway to combine the primary traveler form and additional traveler form together so the primary traveler can enter all travelers info on one form? Or does that require separate forms for TravelJoy to import the info? Thanks.
Hi Stacy! Thanks for reaching out about this. I've broken your question up down below!
How do I get my clients to initially sign a Travel Services Agreement Form with a group booking page?
Forms are completed toward the end of the Group Booking page process, so if you want your clients to be able to complete this first you may want to send the form along with the Group Booking page link to be filled out separately. That said, you can also send this form out to your travelers once they have booked with the Group Booking page as a Group Form. This guide goes over how to do that: Send a group form
Because your Travel Services Agreement form may include signatures, this form type might not be best suited for all the travelers booking through a Group Booking page.
Can I have the primary traveler and additional traveler fill out the same form instead of individual forms?
Because TravelJoy is designed to have client profiles for each traveler, we do not recommend creating a form that captures the additional traveler's information with the primary traveler. Instead, your travelers can fill out the information for the additional traveler by following the steps in this guide: Can the client fill out a form multiple times to cover additional travelers?
This does give them the option to easily fill out the next form! If you are using a Group Booking page, you can create an Additional Traveler form template that only asks for the information needed on that traveler instead of using the same form for the Primary Traveler.
If you'd like us to look specifically at your account for these, please feel free to reach out via the blue support button! We'd be happy to take a look at your forms or any specific questions you have about your account. :)
Is there an easy way to message multiple people in a group but not all people in the group and keep that thread separate to just those in the message?
Hi Kelly!
You can send a group message, which allows you to choose the recipients once you click the "Send All..." button.
Based on how you've framed the question, it's also important to know that sending a group message sends a copy of that message to each selected person via their trip, so travelers won't be able to use "reply all" functionality.
I have a few questions.
1) Is there any way to change the default size of the group booking page to full width? From an answer above I looks like the default size of the page container is likely 1200 px width.
2) Is the default size 1200 px width, 300 px height for all images and videos or just the group photo? I have a video on my group page that displays over the edge of the default space.
3) Is there a way to create a Group Booking page like we do a Smart Proposal?
Thank you.
Hi LaDonna! The photo at the top of the Group Booking Page will remain these default sizes, but you can adjust photo or video sizes within the Group Booking Page Description tab as you mentioned. Currently, there is not a way to create a Group Booking Page like a Smart Proposal.
I have a question regarding groups. I set up a lot of express groups vs contracted groups. I want everyone in the group to select which room type they would like but I won't know pricing until after selection and I price it out. Is there a way to do this? Or what is the best way to obtain information from client's but keep all of the responses to a group?
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