When clients book via your group booking page, it's easy to track, manage, and export the rooming list, even if that list goes through a lot of changes during the booking phase.
Using the Group Status page, you can move travelers around however you'd like. Pair up solo travelers, split a quad-occupancy into two doubles, swap roommates between two rooms of the same type, and more. The clients' files and messages will move right along with them, and invoices will be adjusted based on occupancy when applicable.
Manage room assignments
Add a roommate
Combine two (or more) roommates who booked separately
If each of your roommates has already booked separately via your Group Booking Page, you can find them under "By traveler."
Click the action button (three dots) to the right of one roommate's name and choose "Edit." Under "Room," choose the room of their roommate and click "Save."
Add a roommate who hasn't booked
If you're adding a roommate who hasn't booked, the best place to start is on the trip itself. Click "Edit travelers" and add the roommate as a new traveler.
From there, click "All Travelers" then "Group Status" to return to the group manager. Find your new roommate, click the action button, and choose "Edit."
Under "Paid by," choose which roommate will pay for this particular traveler, and then click "Save." This will either create a new invoice for the new traveler or add it to the existing invoice of the chosen roommate.
Move a roommate
To move a traveler from one room to another, find them under "By traveler." Click the action button (three dots) to the right of one roommate's name and choose "Edit."
Under "Room," choose the room where this traveler will be moved, then click "Save."
Cancel a roommate's booking
On the "By traveler" tab, find the traveler's reservation that will be canceled and click the action button (three dots) to the right of that traveler. In the dropdown list, choose "Cancel."
This will either expire their invoice or remove the traveler's package from their roommate's invoice depending upon who was set to pay for the traveler.
Export your travelers and rooming list
To export a spreadsheet of the full list of travelers along with room assignments, contact information, and other details, click the blue "Export" button at the top-right corner of either tab.
1 comment
I had a roommate change just last week! Apparently I'd only half-way completed this process by swapping them out in the "Edit Travelers" box. The section here about moving a roommate on the Group Status screen helped me finish putting her actually "in" the room. Thanks!
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