Save time by creating a single form and sending it to all or some travelers in a group. Responses will come back individually and get filed under the appropriate trip. Let's send a form to a group to collect passport information!
Create the Group Form
First, make sure you are on the group and not a trip by clicking the "All Travelers" tab. Then, click the blue "Create" button and choose "Group Form":
From there, choose the form you want to send to your travelers:
Then, click "Next" in the top right corner and choose "Save & review email":
If you want to create the form without sending it, click "Save (publish)". This will create the form but will not send it to your clients.
Send the form to your trips
Next, edit your email to include any additional information, and then choose to either "Send All..." or "Send Individually...":
Send the same message to each trip:
If you want to send the same message to all trips, choose "Send All.." This will allow you to select whom to send the message to:
When you're ready, click "Send Email to X Trips" to send the email to all the trips that have been selected.
Personalize each message before sending:
If you want to personalize each message before sending them out, click "Send Individually". This will give you an opportunity to edit each message being sent to the group. Once the email is ready to go to this individual trip, click "Send 1 of X":
If you decide not to send the form to one person for any reason, click "skip" and continue sending to the other recipients:
If you want to add any additional travelers to the message, click "Cc" beside the primary traveler's email address:
If the group form needs to be sent again, head over to "Group Files" and open the form there!
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