To set up monthly payments when creating a Group Booking Page, simply check the box "Use monthly payment schedule" while on the "Pricing" tab:
This will allow the client to choose between the automatically-generated monthly payment schedule based on their booking date or payment in full when they reach checkout:
Is there anything in the works for automatic payment? The monthly payment schedule option is awesome but I think if that also is combined with the option to be auto-debited from the client's account with direct payment that would be even better.
Martilee McDermott Great question! We don't have this option available just yet, but it is something we hope to provide in a future update, and we'll let all of our users know when this is available.
Always be sure to send feature suggestions to us directly using the blue Support button so that they can be tracked!Â
Good morning. I successfully setup my first group booking page. I did as instructed in the article. So, will the invoices go out automatically based on the monthly payment schedule? Is there another article I should review? Â
Hi Tanya, that's correct! The invoices will automatically be created once your clients start booking as the deposit payments will be collected at the time of booking. Once this is done, you can check under the Files tab in each Trip for the invoices. This same invoice will be used to collect each payment for the Trip.Â
Hi Heather. Got it. Thank you very much.Â
Can I turn off payments where it goes in group funds and just submit the payment to the supplier using the client's credit card?
Hi Amy! If you have group funds enabled, you can still use a Supplier invoice to capture credit card information, pay suppliers using the card, or share it with suppliers securely. That said, you do have to create a new invoice as invoice types can't be changed once they are created!
If you process the payment on the Supplier invoice, it will still go into Group Funds! :)Â
Does the client HAVE to make the payments as they show on the monthly plan? Or can they pay custom amounts smaller or larger than what's listed?
Great question LaSha! Usually, they can pay custom amounts as they go.Â
It depends a little on the type of invoice, so I would recommend checking out the complete answer in this guide.Â
I am doing a group booking page and have payment amounts depending on their room selection and occupancy.Â
Is there a way to set up 3 payments?
For example, I need to have them pay a deposit of $250 per person. A 2nd payment of $250 per person on April 1st. And the remaining final payment due May 15th.
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