Group booking pages offer three date range options. You'll find these on Step 2: Pricing under the "Booking options" section.
Because some of these options allow for customizable trip lengths, your selection will impact how your packages are priced.
Date range options
Travelers share the same dates
This is the default and most common option for group booking availability. For this option, everyone will be arriving and departing on the same day, and package pricing will reflect the full price of the stay.
Travelers can book between two dates
For this option, you'll configure the earliest arrival and latest departure dates, as well as the minimum and maximum stay lengths.
In the example below, clients would be able to choose a stay of any length between three and seven nights, and choose both their arrival and departure dates within the range provided.
Travelers can book specific dates I set
For this option, clients will only be able to choose from a list of specific date ranges you've configured in advance. You can add as many date options as you'd like by clicking "Add another date range" at the bottom of the list.
In the example below, clients can choose to book anywhere from four to seven nights, but everyone has the same arrival date:
Impact on package pricing
When you've switched from the default option to one of the two customizable night options, packages will need to be priced based on the trip length. We offer two options for this.
Per person, per night
With this option, your clients will be charged per person, per night, based on the number of nights they selected. If the per-night pricing is the same no matter how many nights are selected, this is the best option for your package.
Per person, all nights
With this option, your clients will be charged per person for the entire trip, still based on the number of nights they selected. If the per-night pricing drops for longer stays, this is the best option for your package.
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