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Create an itinerary or smart proposal 🎥
Use the library to import existing items or entire proposals into your Smart Proposal
Offer multiple options on smart proposals
Create custom library item templates
Convert documents into smart proposal or itinerary items
Import cruise content into your smart proposal or itinerary
Import hotel content into your smart proposal or itinerary
Hide your name and agency information on a trip photo
Trips, groups, and bookings: What's the difference?
Create and manage an individual trip
Change the trip photo
Save smart proposals, invoices, receipts, messages, and more as PDFs
Merge two trips into a single trip
Why are trips missing from my dashboard?
Cancel a trip or group
Move existing trips into TravelJoy
Delete trips, clients, and suppliers
Copy and share the client's link to a form, proposal, or invoice
Duplicate an invoice, smart proposal, or itinerary
Create custom invoice items
Edit your trip details 🎥
Add, edit, or delete trip notes
Set your trip's Booking Date
Display traveler name, gender, and date of birth on invoices
Print or download a PDF of an invoice, itinerary, or proposal
Resend a form, invoice, or proposal
Rename a proposal or invoice
Create and send a classic proposal
Upload a file to a trip
Add or remove additional travelers on a trip