Note: As a precaution, TravelJoy will not allow you to delete a client who still has trips listed in the system. Therefore, to delete a client, you will first need to delete all of their trips. Similarly, supplier contacts cannot be deleted if they have trip messages in the system. To delete a supplier contact, you will first need to delete the previous messages.
Finding a client's trips
Search for your client's name using the search bar at the top. Click their name to open the client's profile. Next, click on the Trips tab, which will show each of the client's trips. From there, you can click to open a trip and then delete it, repeating until all trips have been deleted.
Deleting a trip
To delete a specific trip, open that trip and click the three dots to the left of the blue Create button, then click Delete Trip, as seen below:
Deleting a client
Once a client has no trips associated with their profile, delete the client by visiting the Clients page and finding the client in the list, then clicking the trash can beside their name, as seen below:
Deleting a supplier
Once the supplier no longer has trip messages present in the system, delete the supplier by visiting the Suppliers page and finding the supplier in the list, then clicking the trash can beside their name as seen below:
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