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Save smart proposals, invoices, receipts, messages, and more as PDFs



  • Janine Pugh-Jones

    How do I save a smart proposal to be able to continue working on it later?  

  • Susanne Berres

    Hi Janine,

    The Smart Proposal is "live" and will save automatically each time you add something new or make a change. You should see it "saving" at the top.

    But, any changes you make to it will be permanent. Which means if you want to go back to a previous version, you won't be able to unless you have saved it elsewhere. This is to my knowledge. If I am wrong, I hope someone will chime in and correct me. 

  • Renee Dunn

    Hi Janine,

    What Susanne shared is correct. 

    Also, if you have a "TEST" Trip that you have created for yourself, you can save it there in the "Files" section as a Template

    Then whenever you're ready to work on it later, you just go to your ''TEST" Trip, select that Template, and go from there. It auto-saves as you're working on it.

    Now you can make a "duplicate" of that Smart Proposal Template to any new trip going forward and tweak it as needed for that specific trip.

    Hope this helps or answers your question 

  • Alan

    Thanks for sharing this great workaround for a smart proposal template, Renee! 

  • Renee Dunn

    You're welcome Alan!


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