TravelJoy provides downloadable versions of several files within the platform, including:
- Invoices
- Forms
- Receipts
- Signed Authorizations
- Trip messages and message feeds
Smart Proposals, Invoices and Forms
To download a PDF of a smart proposal, invoice, or form, head to a trip's Files tab and click the three dots at the top-right corner of the file you'd like to save. In this menu, you'll see an option to save as a PDF. Clicking this will begin the file download automatically.
To download a PDF of a receipt, head to the direct invoice where the payment was made. Scroll to the payment schedule and find the payment in question. To the right, you should see a small circle with an arrow pointing down. Click this to automatically begin your download.
Note that you can only download a PDF of the receipt if the payment has been marked as paid.
Signed Authorizations
A signed authorization is the component of a supplier invoice or credit card authorization form which contains the client's digitally-signed agreement with your terms and conditions, which should include authorization to use the card to make payment. You can find the signed authorization in your trip message feed, attached to the client's authorization notification.
On that message in the feed, click the three dots at the bottom-right corner and you'll see an option to save the authorization as a PDF. Clicking this link will begin the download automatically.
Trip messages and message feeds
You can save individual messages in your message feed as a PDF by clicking the three dots at the bottom-right corner of the message and then clicking "Save message as PDF" (as seen in the screenshot above), and you can also save the entire message feed as a single PDF.
To save the entire message feed, from the trip's Messages tab, click the three dots just to the left of the blue Create button. To automatically begin the download of this file, click "Save all trip messages as PDF."
How do I save a smart proposal to be able to continue working on it later?
Hi Janine,
The Smart Proposal is "live" and will save automatically each time you add something new or make a change. You should see it "saving" at the top.
But, any changes you make to it will be permanent. Which means if you want to go back to a previous version, you won't be able to unless you have saved it elsewhere. This is to my knowledge. If I am wrong, I hope someone will chime in and correct me.
Hi Janine,
What Susanne shared is correct.
Also, if you have a "TEST" Trip that you have created for yourself, you can save it there in the "Files" section as a Template.
Then whenever you're ready to work on it later, you just go to your ''TEST" Trip, select that Template, and go from there. It auto-saves as you're working on it.
Now you can make a "duplicate" of that Smart Proposal Template to any new trip going forward and tweak it as needed for that specific trip.
Hope this helps or answers your question
Thanks for sharing this great workaround for a smart proposal template, Renee!
You're welcome Alan!
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