Tracking direct deposits and withdrawals from TravelJoy is simple with the Bank Transfers report. This report can be filtered to show transactions from a specific date range or all time.
Filter your report
Once you’ve accessed your Bank Transfer report, you can filter by date using the drop-down located in the top right-hand corner of the screen:
Once a range has been selected, click the blue “Apply” button to generate your report.
Understanding the report columns
Here is a summary of each column on the Bank Transfers Report:
Date: This column displays the date of the most recent status update
Status: Here you’ll see the latest update on your transfer. The statuses you may see are as follows:
- In Transit: This payment is on its way and will be deposited into your connected bank account
- Deposited: This deposit has been successfully delivered to your account
- Deposit Failed: This deposit was not completed successfully due to an external blocker (such as the account information being incorrect). The payment will be processed again automatically after a few days. In the meantime, we recommend ensuring your bank account details are correct in Settings → Direct payments
- Withdrawn: In the event of a dispute, funds may be transferred back to TravelJoy (check out on guide on this)
- Withdrawal Failed: In the event of a dispute as described above, this withdrawal may fail. We’ll reach out by email to discuss next steps
Description: This will display which bank and account number received this deposit
Payments: This column will show the invoice number(s) of payment(s) contained in this deposit
Markup: If this is a withdrawal of markup from Group or Trip Funds, the group/trip name and the amount withdrawn will be displayed
Refunds: Any amount that has been refunded from the invoices shown under the “Payments” column
Disputes: If a client has raised a dispute with their credit card company this column will display the invoice number, the client’s name, and the amount to be withdrawn
Amount: This column features the total (net) amount of this transfer
Export your report
To export your Bank Transfers report, select one of the options from the export toolbar in the top left corner of the screen:
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