Almost anywhere you can create client-facing text in TravelJoy, we provide a robust set of tools with our built-in text editor to help you create beautiful and compelling content.
In most places, you'll see our editing toolbar at the top of the text box. This includes places such as:
- Email templates
- Terms and conditions templates
- Group booking page descriptions
In other places, such as trip messages, you'll need to highlight some text in order to see the floating version of the toolbar.
Text formatting
The first three buttons provide the option to format any text content. Highlight the text you'd like to format, then click the "B" for bold, "I" for italic, and/or "U" for underline.
You can also highlight text and tap CTRL + B for bold, CTRL + I for italic, and/or CTRL + U for underline.
Font options
TravelJoy has several built-in font options optimized to work with your clients' devices. Like above, you'll start by highlighting the text you'd like to update, and you'll then choose a font name and font size from the toolbar. Changes will be applied automatically.
Note: If you would like to change your default font, you can do so by visiting Settings -> Email.
Font color and highlights
The next two boxes allow you to add a text color and a background color to the highlighted content. The first box will allow you to apply the default color to your font, or you can click the down arrow to the right of the button to choose a new font color, including custom colors.
The second box will allow you to apply default highlighting (background color) to your content, or you can click the down arrow to the right of the button to choose a new highlight color, including custom colors.
The next three buttons allow you to set the alignment of anything you've highlighted in your content area, including text, photos, and videos. The three options are align left, align center, and align right, respectively.
For example, if you've added a photo to the top of your email message and you'd like it to appear in the center, click the photo and then click the middle button which shows three centered lines.
Lists and tables
The next three buttons do not require you to highlight text. However, if you're working in a trip message, you may need to highlight a blank space in the message to make the editing toolbar appear.
The first two buttons start a numbered list and a bullet list, respectively. These allow nesting, meaning that you can press Enter to go to the next line and then press Tab to indent the next number or bullet. You can press Shift + Tab to undo the indentation.
The third button allows you to create a table, which may be helpful for lists of options and prices. Choose how many rows and columns you'd like to add and the table will be inserted into your content area.
Insert links, photos, videos, and emoji
The next four options allow you to insert items into your content area.
First, you can highlight text or click an photo and then click the chain link button to add a hyperlink to that text or photo. Make sure your link starts with https:// (or, more rarely, http://).
Second, you can click the landscape button to add a picture. You can either choose "General" to add a photo via link or "Upload" to upload a photo from your device. We recommend uploading photos from your device so that they are stored with us and can't be moved later.
Note: Once you've inserted your photo, check out this guide to see how you can resize it or turn it into a link to your website.
Third, you can embed videos. Note that this does not work with trip messages or email templates. Elsewhere, such as group booking pages, you can click the play button to embed a video from YouTube, Loom, or other streaming resources.
Finally, clicking the smile button will allow you to insert emoji into your content area.
Remember, once you've inserted a photo or video, you can highlight and center it using the earlier instructions in this guide.
Advanced options
The final two options allow you to make more advanced changes to your content.
The first will remove all formatting for the highlighted area. This includes text formatting, alignment, table widths, and more.
The second button, which looks like the symbols < >, is not shown in the above screenshot. We recommend that only expert users edit code, as we are unable to provide support for this feature.
It is a more advanced feature which allows you to directly edit the content code. This may be helpful for HTML experts who wish to make very specific changes not available using our built-in editing tools.
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