Once you've added a photo to your content area as described in this guide, you have some additional options you can take to customize that photo.
Resize your photo
Your first option is to drag to resize your photo. Once you click the image, you'll notice the blue squares at each corner. Click and drag the bottom-right corner square to resize your image, and then release your mouse button when complete.
Another option is to click the photo and then choose one of the size options seen near the bottom of the above animation. These options include 25, 50, and 100 percent of the width of your message or description area. If you decide that you don't like this option, you can also click "Reset" to go back to the original size.
Center your photo
In the same animation above, you can see three alignment buttons once the image is clicked. This allows you to align the image to the left, center, or right side of your content area.
Add a hyperlink to your photo
To add a hyperlink (so that your client can click the image to visit a website), you will first click the image so that the blue squares appear at the corners. Next, you can click the chain link button in the edit toolbar or press CTRL + K on your keyboard to bring up the hyperlink settings.
Add your link (starting with https:// or more rarely http://) and click Save. The image is now a link.
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