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Communicate with your suppliers



  • Angela Penera

    Does the client see this email that you send, or will this go to only the supplier?

  • Alan

    Clients do not have access to your conversations with suppliers.

  • Jen Duncan

    Can you send vendors other secure info like Passports or other ID's or is it limited to CC's?

  • Alan

    This feature is limited to authorizations at this time. If additional features are available to deliver information to suppliers in the future, we will update this guide to include links to those additional options. Thanks for sharing your question! 

  • Neha Oza

    Hello!  I'm new to Groups.  I would like to send my supplier the Passport pictures for 31 members in a group.  What is the easiest way to do this? 

    How do I access supplier messages for a group?  When I select my Group, I only see the option to click on "Select a Trip" at the top or a specific member of the group. 

  • Alan

    Neha -- 

    Supplier messages are a recent feature added to TravelJoy trips. This feature is not available at the group level. 

    Passport photos can be downloaded from each individual client profile and submitted to your supplier via a secure transfer method that they should be able to provide to you. I've added a feature request to allow a group's passport photos to be downloaded more efficiently and will reach out if we're able to add this in a future update! 


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