Overview: The article explains the difference between expired and deleted invoices, and their respective uses. Expired invoices are automatically marked after 30 days with no payments and deleted invoices cannot be deleted once a payment has been made.
Expired invoices help you clean up your reporting and prevent your clients from accessing old files. Invoices whose first payment date is more than 30 days ago and without any payments will be automatically marked “Expired.”
One prominent use of the expire feature happens when you send an invoice to a customer and later the trip is cancelled. You can expire the invoice to remove it from skewing your Outstanding Fees/Commissions.
Deleted invoices help you clean up invoices that were never valid, and should generally only be used to remove mistake invoices. An invoice cannot be deleted after a payment has been made, as the "paper trail" for the payment must be kept intact.
For any individual invoice, click the "..." menu and click "Expire" or "Delete." In the example below, we've highlighted "Expire."
You can individually un-expire any invoice any time on its “...” menu. (Note: You cannot undelete an invoice.)
You can change the number of days for automatic expiration under “Settings” > “Invoice”
1 comment
When will Expired Invoices drop OFF my Task List for a trip? I expired two invoices for items on a valid trip that are no longer going to be part of the trip, so the client made no payment, but they still show in my Tasklist for the trip. Drives me nuts. Don't want to delete because I want a record of the proposal and everything (what was quoted, etc.) Thank you!
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