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Offer auto-pay for your direct invoice



  • Danielle Kelley

    If monthly payment is not turned on, can clients create their own autopay schedule? 

  • Alan

    Hi Danielle, clients cannot create their own payment schedules. This can only be done by the agent. 

  • Danielle Kelley

    Ok. So auto pay can only work if monthly payments are on?

  • A TLC Experience

    Danielle I believe you are misunderstanding him. You as the agent must create the payment schedule. That can be whatever frequency; doesn’t necessarily have to be monthly. But once the payment schedule is created, the client can select to auto-pay invoices.

  • Alan

    Auto-pay is compatible with both payment schedule options on group booking pages. If monthly payment schedule is not used, the client can still opt into auto-pay when paying their deposit, and this will cause the final payment to automatically be paid when it is due. 

  • Danielle Kelley

    I guess I'm not understanding because when setting up the group page, there is nowhere to set the payment schedule except for monthly payment option.

  • A TLC Experience

    Danielle I do groups all the time but I do generally offer monthly payment options.  My payments are generally set up with Deposit, End Date and Number of Equal Payments. There is a custom feature that I have not looked into that I need to because my clients would like to choose their own payment amounts on the scheduled dates.  Perhaps you can email a suggestion to customer service if the current scheduling options don't work for your groups. They have been really good about listening to us and implementing changes and additions.

  • Danielle Kelley

    I've done that for individual trips...equal payments...I just don't see that on the payment options screen when setting up the group booking site...hence my confusion.

    Allow custom payments
    Use monthly payment schedule

    These are the only 2 options in the payment details set-up on the group booking page pertaining to scheduling/amount.

    So would I then need to go into each guest's individual invoice and set up the equal payments?

  • Alan

    The two payment options on group booking pages are:

    • Default (Deposit at the time of booking + Final Payment on the final payment due date)
    • Monthly (by clicking "Use monthly payment schedule")

    Regardless of which of these two options you choose, the client can choose to enroll in auto-pay, and their future payment(s) will be automatically deducted on the dates reflected in the payment schedule.

    We do not currently offer an option for custom payment schedules on group booking pages.

  • Danielle Kelley

    Alan may I email you to include screenshot? There is a checkbox that says "allow custom payments." I'm looking at it right now on my group booking site. And unlike individual invoices that agents create, there is no option to choose fixed equal payments, as Tracey mentioned above.

  • Alan

    Danielle, the "Allow custom payments" option allows the client to enter a custom payment amount when making payments toward their invoice. This feature is unrelated to payment schedules. You can read about that feature at this link.

    I believe you may have interpreted this feature as "Allow custom payment schedules," but that is not something that can be done on group booking pages. The options listed above are the only options for payment schedules on group booking pages. 

    That said, I do welcome you to open a support request at any time with any additional questions you may have! 

  • Concierge Team Inside Europe

    Our clients like to pay via check for the deposit and then proceed with CC drafts or links, can that be accommodated within TravelJoy? Thanks 

  • Alan

    Hi there! While the group booking page requires that the client pay or authorize a deposit digitally and cannot accommodate a check, one option here is to use the direct group booking page feature and allow your clients to pay via bank transfer. This is the digital equivalent of paying by check and may help bridge the gap for those clients. 

    That said, if they continue to prefer to pay by paper check for the deposit, one option might be to create a second group booking page specifically for those who've already paid a deposit so that they can visit the page, register, and pay or authorize their first monthly payment as the "deposit." This would enable all of the features associated with group booking pages along with the ability to pay the deposit via check. I hope this helps! 

  • Travel Designed Just For You

    How do you know if autopay is on or off?


    Thank you

  • Alan

    If auto-pay is enabled for an invoice, you will see a blue bar at the top of the invoice when you open it from the trip's Files tab indicating this:

  • Tashweka Anderson

    Alan Are there plans to allow the agent to require auto-pay instead of leaving it optional for the client? Chasing clients to make payments is a huge waste of time. It would make an agent's life much easier if payments could run on autopilot. I currently have this capability on another platform and it's a life saver. This is the one feature (as well as the lack of automated email task scheduling for clients) that's stopping me from moving over to TravelJoy.

  • Caitlin Bennett

    Hi Tashweka, 

    Thank you for this feedback! I can understand why having a feature such as this would be helpful for agents. I can certainly share it with the rest of the team to keep in consideration for future updates to the auto-pay option. 

  • Travel Designed Just For You

    1) I would suggest the feature of making auto pay required. Just as stated above, it’s very frustrating to chace clients for payments.
    2) I would also like to see auto pay option when creating a manual invoice. I should not have to set up group funding to have the autopay option.

  • Alan

    Hi there! As of a few months ago, all direct invoices can enable the auto-pay option, including manually-created direct invoices in both group trips and individual trips. 

    While there is no word on requiring auto-pay yet, this has been shared with our product team for additional discussion, and we appreciate the feedback!

  • Travel Designed Just For You

    Thank you for responding. On the manual invoice, there is no option for the client to click auto pay. If I do it on my end, it tells me I have to set up group funds. I have inquired about this, and I was advised it is not an option.

  • Alan

    Sorry for the confusion here. To clarify, auto-pay can be enabled on any direct invoice, including those which are manually created.

    The auto-pay feature is part of our Funds platform, which we created in order to enable enhanced direct payment features like auto-pay, client-customizable payment amounts, the ability to instantly pay suppliers with virtual credit cards, and more. 

    These options are available to all TravelJoy members who use direct payment processing. You can learn more in our Trip Funds and Group Funds FAQ. 

  • Travel Designed Just For You

    Hello, I know it's an option on a manually created one. The only way to turn on auto-pay is to turn on group funds. I don't want group funds. Now, if you are, please telling me when I create a manual invoice for my group trip without turning on group funds. I will need step-by-step because right now, that is not an option.


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