Updating an invoice after it has been sent is easy because the invoice is stored in the cloud. This means that the client will always see the latest version of the invoice -- even if you've updated it after sending it to them -- as long as you save the updates.
Finding the invoice in the trip files
To get started, visit the trip's Files tab, then click on the three dots at the top right corner of the invoice in question:
In this menu, click the Edit button
Making changes after opening the invoice
Once opened, you modify the invoice as just like when you were first creating it:
- To add an item, click "Add Item" and select the appropriate item
- To edit an item, click the blue pencil icon to the right of the item
- To add a payment, click "Add Payment" and fill in the necessary details
- To edit a payment, click the pencil icon beside the field you need to edit
Saving the changes
When done, click "Next" at the top right corner
Once clicked you will find the following options:
- To send a copy of the invoice to the client, choose "Save & Review Email"
- To save the updated version of the invoice without sending, choose "Save"
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