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Verify your bank account with TravelJoy



  • Kim Reed

    Hello, I’m having trouble setting up my bank account, it isn’t allowing me to move forward to the next step which is to choose my bank institution. I hit the connect my bank button but nothing happens, also I read to download a few statements in which I don’t have any statements available to me or I don’t know to download them, so is that a requirement to use this platform or can you help me get my bank information set up please and thank you. 

  • Alan

    Hi Kim, please reach out to our support team using the blue Support button or by emailing We'd love to see how we can help! 

  • Shara Erysthee-Elisee

    Hi I am Canadian...Does Travel Joy currently have the capability to connect to Canadian banks?

  • Heather Jaynes

    Hi Shara!

    At this time, TravelJoy can only connect through Plaid using US-based banked accounts. We are hoping to make changes in the future to expand this availability! While your bank account may not be available to connect, you are still able to utilize the vast majority of TravelJoy features without connecting your bank account 😁

  • Adina McCollough

    Hello, I need someone to reset my bank so I can use plaid. I've tried to update the information in step one, but plaid continues to say "reconnect bank" with my old account, instead of using the updated information provided.

  • Heather Jaynes

    Hi Adina! 

    We would be happy to help you with your account. :) Please submit this request using the blue Support button in the bottom right-hand corner of your TravelJoy account or the Help Center when logged in so we can verify your account! 

  • Adina McCollough

    Thanks Heather,

    I did that yesterday.

  • Tanisha King

    It says my account is linked but I can’t go to the next step( finish button not working ) how do I fix this


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