How payment reminders work
When a payment schedule is created on an invoice, TravelJoy creates payment reminder tasks for each payment. You can configure these reminders to come to your inbox (so you can manually reach out to your clients) or to go straight to your clients' inboxes automatically.
Reminders go to agent (default)
By default, these tasks send you -- the agent -- a reminder email prior to the payment due date. The reminder email contains a button labeled "View Payment Reminder" which, when clicked, opens a new email message to that client containing a link to the invoice. Click "Send" to send this reminder email to your client.
Reminders go to client (automation)
To save time and streamline your workflow, you can choose to skip being notified and instead have these reminders automatically sent to your clients. When you choose this option, the client will receive an email containing the email template of your choice (by default, it's the "Invoice Payment Due Soon Email") and a link to the invoice.
How to turn on automated payment reminders
You can choose a default setting for whether all payment remindersΒ are sent to you or your clients, and you can separately update the setting for each individual payment reminder.
How to choose your default payment reminder setting
First, navigate to Settings -> Automation and find the section labeled "Automatically send payment reminders." By default, the chosen setting will be to notify you -- the agent -- seven days prior to the payment due date at 8:00 AM (though you may have changed these settings in the past). You can customize both the day and the time these reminders will be sent:
To turn on automated payment reminders, check the box that says "Automatically send payment reminders to clients." You can choose how many days in advance to send this message, the time of day to send the message, and which email template to use.
To receive a copy of each automated payment reminder sent to your clients, check the box labeled "Send me a copy."
To automatically mark these tasks as completed once they're sent, check the box labeled "Mark task as completed when action done."
Once you've customized these settings, click "Save" at the bottom-right corner. You'll be given the option to apply your new settings to all of your existing payment reminders or to only apply these settings to new payment reminders going forward.
How to change this setting for a specific payment reminder
On your Tasks page, click on the payment reminder task you'd like to update. In the box that pops up, choose the "Automation" tab:
Next, choose whether or not to automatically send the reminder to your client:
Once you've selected to automate the task, you'll be able to choose the date and time the email will be sent, as well as the email template. Once you've filled out these details, click the blue "Save" button in the bottom right-hand corner:
Check the status of individual payment reminders
To check whether any individual payment reminder is set to automatically send to the client, visit your Tasks page or the Tasks tab on the associated trip.
Scheduled automated payment reminders will have a blue "Scheduled" indicator and will indicate when the email will be sent to your client in the "When" column. Once an automated reminder is sent, the indicator will change from "Scheduled" to "Sent":
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