Pasting a single paragraph
If you are only pasting a single paragraph of text with no line breaks, the solution to this error is to paste as plain text. You can do this by right-clicking and selecting "Paste as plain text" instead of selecting "Paste."
You can also use a keyboard shortcut to paste as plain text. On Windows computers, this means hitting CTRL + SHIFT + V instead of just CTRL + V. On Macs, you can use Option + Shift + Command + V.
Note that you cannot paste multiple paragraphs or create line breaks in your forms.
Pasting your terms and conditions
A common reason for this error as that an agent is trying to add their terms and conditions as Paragraph fields. This is not the proper way to add terms and conditions to your form.
Instead, your terms and conditions should be created as a template by visiting Templates -> Terms & Conditions. This will allow you to add line breaks, hyperlinks, bold text, and other formatting options. You can learn how to create your terms and conditions template in this guide.
Once you've created your terms and conditions template, go back to editing your form template and attach your terms by clicking "Require client signature" and choosing your newly-created template from the "Terms and Conditions" dropdown menu, as seen here.
Pasting links, images, line breaks, or other non-text
At this time, only plain text can be added to a Paragraph field, and form design or formatting cannot be customized. We recommend adding any necessary images, links, or other non-text to the email that will accompany this form when you send it.
The following error may occur when you attempt to paste data into a form field and that data contains code:
I've got an idea! OK, I've already customized my Terms and Conditions and saved. What about if I make another copy of the default and change the Title and put my COVID disclaimer in there? It needs to be signed. However, there are boxes to be checked. Would that work?Â
Hi Sharon! That should work just fine.
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