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Share a template with colleagues outside your team



  • Brian Korosec

    Please make Task Lists sharable! 


  • Caitlin Bennett

    Hi Brian! Thank you for your feedback on allowing task templates to be shared with others outside of your team. I'll provide this feedback to our product team to take into consideration for future updates.  :) 

  • Kari Fisher

    How do I edit a form template that was shared with me by a fellow travel agent? I need to change the Agency information, (within the email message) from her info to mine. Is that something I will need to change every time? Or can I save the template with my own message?

  • Alan

    Hi Kari! When you add a template shared by a fellow travel agent, you are actually creating your own copy of that template in your "My Templates" list. This copy can be edited like any standard template, by opening it from the "My Templates" list and saving after you've made changes.

    Because you are editing your own copy of the template, you'll only need to do this once! 

  • Misty Christy

    Hi Alan,

    The problem is the "+ to My Templates" button is gone. We have a whole list of team templates but the only options we have now are "Preview" and "Archive". This has changed within the last few months and has made sharing templates that need to be personalized impossible.

  • Alan

    Hi Misty!

    Based on feedback, we've made some recent changes to team templates, and these no longer need to be added with the "+ to My Templates" button. All team templates are now automatically available for all members, and will also automatically capture any changes made by the template creator. 

    You're correct that this currently means a team template can't be customized. This is a great point, and I'm sharing this feedback with the team to see how we might address this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! 

  • Michelle Peavy

    Is there any way to share past created itineraries via social media to attract other customers?

  • Laurie Hunter

    What about library items? Are those shareable? 

  • Chelsey Moise

    Hi Laurie Hunter! At this time, library items are not shareable with team members but I can see how that would be a beneficial addition. I have added this feature request to our list and shared it with my Product team! 


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