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Collect and store client passport photos 🎥



  • Lesli Douglass

    What assurances can I give clients who would like to know if storing their passport images is secure with TravelJoy?  Thank you.

  • Alan

    Hi Lesli!

    All pages on TravelJoy are securely encrypted, including forms which allow the upload of passort details. To learn more about the security of the page, the client can click the lock to the left of the address bar in their browser. TravelJoy is also compliant with PCI digital security standards. 

    Additionally, we strongly recommend enabling two-step authentication, which provides the most secure experience for your account (and therefore, the data found in your account).

    If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to submit a support request!

  • Pam Smithgall

    I often have the lead traveler in the contacts list, but need to download more than one passport. Often the clients do not want to share an email for every person, so how do I store more than one passport?

  • Alan

    Hi Pam!

    Each time a form is submitted, it is collecting details on a single client and syncing those details with the client's profile. Each profile can store a single passport image. 

    In order to collect multiple passport images, the form would need to be submitted multiple times -- once per passenger -- and each passenger will need to list an email address to complete the required portion of their profile. 

    That said, one workaround here is for the lead traveler to use their own email address when submitting profiles for their kids (for example). Multiple clients can share a single email address as long as their names are not exactly the same. 


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