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Tag your clients



  • Concierge Team Inside Europe

    Hello there, is there a way to bulk edit groups of clients -- e.g. to apply the same tag to all of them like "2023 traveler"? Thanks Sandra

  • Alan

    Hi Sandra! That isn't something that's available currently, but may be added in the future. 

  • Kathy Bjorklund

    Adding another vote to being able to bulk edit clients. I need to add the tag "newsletter" so I know which clients I've exported to my newsletter platform.

  • Chelsey Moise

    Hi Kathy Bjorklund! Thank you for sharing - I can see how this would be beneficial! Most newsletter platforms are able to recognize duplicates, so as a workaround we recommend reaching out to them to see if there is a way to do this! :) 


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