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Create custom Client Profile fields



  • Heidi Theis

    Is there a way to make this a Yes or No field instead of text?

    Thank you!

  • Heidi Theis

    I think I figured it out

  • Alan

    Thanks for the update, Heidi! If you continue to have questions about this, please use the blue Support button to reach out!

  • Heidi Theis

    So this is pretty specific, but I just can't figure it out, and I don't want to mess up my existing records so I'm hoping to get some guidance.

    I have a question on my inquiry forms, "Would you like to be subscribed to my occasional (no more than once a week), travel info, non-promotional email?"

    I would like the answer (the options are "yes or no" to become part of my client profiles so that I can export the csv for a mailing list.

    I thought I used to see that field from client contact trip inquiry forms in the past when I exported, but now I do not.  So what I'm hoping to do is to go back and add a label for that question to the custom client profile BUT two issues:

    1 - I can't figure out how to do that as "Would you like to be subscribed to my occasional (no more than once a week), travel info, non-promotional email?" seems a little unwieldy

    2 - If I don't make that the label, will past information show up in the csv file?

    Please advise when you can. Thank you!!!

  • Heidi Theis

    Further clarification:

    I guess I should have added, this question: Is there a way to either:

    1- Make a question on previously completed forms auto-populate retroactively into client profile


    2- easily see how a client answered the question without going into each and every form?

    Thank you!!!

  • Alan

    Good morning Heidi!

    Provided that you've followed both steps highlighted in the video at the top of this guide -- that is, adding this question as a custom profile field and then adding that field to your form -- the answer will be in your client export file.

    You'll want to scroll all the way to the right side of your client spreadsheet, as the profile fields you add to the Custom tab of client profiles are added to the end of each row.

    Using this method, you won't need to add the tag, as you'll be able to sort the spreadsheet by that last column to see everyone who has opted in. Let me know if you run into any questions here! 

  • Daria Dimitroff

    I created a custom field. How do I now add it to a form? I'm trying to add it to my inquiry form. Thank you!



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