When you click on the button to view credit card information, you may receive an error message or be prompted to re-enter your password. If you are unable to bypass either issue, these suggestions may help.
Temporarily disable Kaspersky Internet Security
Many members have reported that Kaspersky's security tool blocks retrieval of client payment information. Disabling this protection temporarily resolves the issue. You can see how to temporarily disable protection features in this guide from Kaspersky.
(Note that the guide above covers Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 specifically, and your app may be a different version. If you are unable to locate this option in your product, please contact Kaspersky directly for support.)
Log out of TravelJoy and then log back in
If you are being prompted for your password repeatedly or you are receiving an error after entering your password, you may need to start a new session. Click your name at the top-right corner of TravelJoy and then click "Log Out." Next, log back in and try to access the payment information again.
Change your password
If you are still unable to successfully enter your password to access payment information, your password may be expired, or your password manager may be entering an old password. Visit Settings -> Security to reset your password by typing in the current password and new password manually.
If you do not remember your current password, open this guide, log out of TravelJoy, and follow the instructions in the guide.
None of these steps worked to fix the issue. Is there a plan to fix this issue? 6 hours. is a long time to be waiting for this to be resolved.
I have completed all steps and it is still not working for me!
These steps either dont apply or do not work to resolve the issue for me
Joining in to report that I am also having this issue right now.
Same! Must be a system issue.
I tried the steps and still no resolution.
None of this worked for me either.
Did not work for me either
System has been down for over *6 hours now!
Thank you for reporting this! We are currently aware of an issue affecting access to payment details due to the ongoing CrowdStrike outage, and the provider responsible for this outage is working to restore service as quickly as possible.
Payment details will automatically become visible once the third party outage has been resolved.
Thank you for your patience during this interruption.
Trying to access client cc info and none of these steps are working?? Â Please help!
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