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Process a payment on a supplier invoice



  • Doña Carroll

    I am being charged using this feature and all of my invoices align based on article. Can someone please explain how I don't loose money?

  • Alan

    Hi Doña! When you process a payment in TravelJoy, it will incur processing fees. This happens because the credit card issuer, credit card network, payment processor, and others charge certain fees for access to payment processing services. 

    These processing fees are mandatory, and you can learn more about them here.

  • Jenny Williams

    I have a group. The lead traveler is paying for the whole trip. I have put the three bookings on the invoice and invoiced the lead for the total due. The invoice breaks down each booking. Is there a way to distribute the payment to each booking and reflect that on the one invoice for the lead traveler and for myself? Thanks.

  • Heather Jaynes

    Hi Jenny! Please send your request in to us at or by using the blue support button in the bottom right corner of your TravelJoy account. Please include the Trip/Group name and we will investigate this specific situation for you! :)

  • Lisa Rogers


    I did everything as shown in the article above but still have some questions! :)

    1. First, I do have trip funds turned on.

    2. After creating the payment schedule, I do not see the options "Charge the $.." or the $ option.

    3. I'm wondering if this is because I have a pre-authorization form from my client already done and wasn't planning on sending this back over to have to be authorized?? That's the only difference I see between my screen and the one above.  I was hoping the one authorization would be good for everything...she doesn't want to have to worry with authorizing every single thing. Is there a way for me to authorize this on her behalf and then see those options. (Do direct invoices also all have to be authorized or does the pre-authorization cover that somehow?)

    4. The article above previously said that the client wouldn't see the separate payment breakdown details if payment is on some date. However, I've noticed that once a receipt is sent to the client, it gives them the option to click on the invoice link, when then shows the payment schedule and the details of each payment. Is there a way to avoid this or is that standard??


  • Heather Jaynes

    Hi Lisa! 

    It sounds like you may have collected a credit card authorization form from your client, rather than a Supplier Invoice. You will not see these options on the cc authorization form! To see the options, each payment line will need to be authorized by your client, and you will see that reflected as the payment status changes from "Unpaid" to "Authorized". Direct Invoices immediately charge the client's card once a payment is submitted, the payment is deposited directly into your bank account or Funds balance if this feature is turned on!

    It is standard for the client to be able to access the invoice payment schedule, what the article is referencing is the amount displayed to the client as "Amount due" based on the payment schedule due dates!

    If you have further questions about your specific situation, we'd be happy to take a look if you send in the details of your Trip to or by using the blue support button! :)

  • Lacoya Robinson

    Hi , I have a question, new to using this. Once the invoice is sent out , can the client return to the email/invoice and pay on the remaining balance anytime ?

  • Alan

    Hi Lacoya!

    They can indeed! The link to the invoice remains the same, so they can click the link in the original email or bookmark the page in their browser, which will allow them to return and make additional payments at any time. 

  • Danielle Kelley

    Invoice now don't have the three dots, but instead a money bag to mark as paid and trash can to delete. So, is this feature no longer available?

  • Danielle Kelley

    Are we still able to use this feature and if so how??? Need to know ASAP as I need to send invoices to clients TODAY for authorization AND charge my fee.This feature is suddenly gone. I can only "mark as paid"

  • Patrick McGill

    The client is paying the deposit on a Supplier invoice, but the final payment is not due for another six months. If they send me the authorization now, is it up to me to track and pay it later? What is the best practice for determining when to make the final payment?

  • Alan

    Hi Danielle and Patrick!

    Danielle: The three dots will show up if the screen is too narrow to show all of the buttons. Otherwise, the buttons will show up instead. 

    While we've changed other icons on this page, the dollar sign icon to process supplier payments remains the same, and should be visible for all authorized transactions on a supplier invoice as long as they haven't been marked as paid already.

    If you're having trouble finding this button, be sure to reach out to our support team for assistance! 

    Patrick: We have a reminder feature for this, and it has a few different configuration options. You can find it under Settings -> Invoice, and it looks like this:

    This dropdown has a few different options, but "Payment due date" would likely be the best fit in your case since you're dealing with folks authorizing early. 

  • LOL Travel

    I have a client that added multiple items to their selection. For example, they added authorization for the hotel and then added the excursion under the group booking. Each requires a deposit. But instead of having them authorize the two deposits, it lumped them together. One deposit is a direct supplier payment, and the other should be a part of group funds.

    How do I move forward with one authorization to pay the supplier when I need a second one for the group funds?

  • Cody Bauer

    Hi LOL Travel! We'd love to help with this- please reach out to us at with your question and specific group booking and our team will be happy to walk you through the steps of getting this taken care of! 

  • Kecia Benton

    Hello, I am setting up a group page with a supplier invoice. My trip is $1999, but $214 of it will include my fee and items that I will need to pay separately down the line such as their welcome gifts. The deposit amount is $200. If I am understanding correctly, I will need to have a line for the deposit, $200 with CC info authorized to be paid with supplier, a line for my fee & incidentals $214 (will be paid to me), and then a line for the remaining balance $1585 that will be paid using CC info with supplier? Will the client have to authorize $414 up front or just the deposit of $200? With these three line items, with the same due date, the invoice will show as $1999 correct? just want to make sure in case I have to update my booking page with extra line item details.
    The only money I need right away will be the deposit of $200 for the supplier deposit.

    Thank you in advance.


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