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Collaborate on a trip



  • Jay Lanzas

    Can a collaborator send messages to clients?

  • Alan

    Jay, not at this time.

  • Jennae Pitts

    What exactly can a collaborator do other than send notes? Can they mark up commissions? Can they see the reports? Can they make supplier payments?

  • Alan

    Hi Jennae,

    This guide describes all current functionality related to collaboration, though new features will likely be added in the future. We will update the guide as new options are released.

  • Dave Natale

    Hi Alan, the collaborator button doesn't show yet.  Do I have to activate something in settings?  I have looked around without success.


  • Alan

    Hi Dave!

    This will show automatically as long as:

    • You are the team owner
    • You have an active team member 

    If you are not seeing it, please don't hesitate to open a support request! 


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