As an agency owner, you can utilize TravelJoy by creating a team owner account, enabling you to add team members and assistants and effectively manage your team.
Team member and assistant accounts are offered at a discounted rate based on the account type:
Team Member Account:
If a team owner chooses to pay for the team member's subscription, team member accounts will be billed based on the team owner's current billing cycle:
- $10 per month if the subscription is billed monthly
- $120 per year if the subscription is billed annually
If team members choose to pay for their own membership, they will have a the ability to subscribe at a rate of $10 per month.
Assistant Account: Assistant accounts are exclusively paid for by the team owner and are billed according to the team owner's membership billing cycle:
- $5 per month if the subscription is billed monthly
- $60 per year if the subscription is billed annually
💡 To learn how to add team members and assistants in TravelJoy, see our Add or remove a team member guide. |
Team member access
When a team member accepts their invitation and signs up, they will have access to virtually all of TravelJoy's standard features, including the following:
- Their own client list, trip queue, and account settings
- Their own profile picture, agency details, and custom templates
- Their own commission and sales reporting
They will also have access to some new features:
- Create and share custom templates such as emails, forms, and terms and conditions
- Receive shared templates from other team members and the team owner
- Optional: Log into the dashboard of other team members and the team owner and work on their behalf
💡 By default, team members can only view and work from their own account. To enable additional access for team members, check out this guide. |
Assistant access
Assistants have access to the owner's dashboard, including the full trip queue and client list of the owner. They will be able to create groups and trips, manage invoices, and communicate with clients on the owner's behalf.
By default, the assistant will not have access to the credit card information of the owner's clients. However, this can be enabled upon request.
The assistant will not have access to teamwide reporting, commission settings, or other sensitive material. They will also not have a dashboard, trips, or clients of their own.
It is important to note that when an assistant communicates with a client, they are doing so as if they are the owner. TravelJoy does not currently differentiate between the owner and the assistant when emailing a client.
💡 By default, assistants can only view and work from the owner account. To enable access to other team member accounts, check out this guide. |
Owner access
Once you have one or more team members in TravelJoy, you have some new options in your account:
- Quickly log into a team member's dashboard and work on their behalf
- Create, share, and receive shared templates across your team
- View Individual team members and full agency commission & sales reports
- Set commission splits privately for each agent
- Toggle direct payment access for team members (for steps, check out this guide)
Owner access limitations
As an owner, acting on behalf of your team members has some limitations. By default, you will not have access to:
- Settings > Account
- Settings > Agency Info
- Settings > Membership
- Settings > Security (2FA)
You will get the error below when you try to access a page that you don't have permission to change. You will either need to have your team member make changes to these settings directly from their account or reach out to TravelJoy support to change this default limitation.
Can I offer them the 3 month discount?
Hi Kathleen! Since TravelJoy team members are under an owner account, they do not qualify for referral credits.
Hi, I add a team member and this person has access to my admin info, agency profile remove or delete anything she wants, and I don't want that she must have limited access and now she is like an admin or owner.
I need an answer please
Hi Jorge! I have responded to your tickets about this directly, but also want to confirm here that team members do not have access to their owners' settings.
Team members have their own independent settings for their own team member account, and these are not related to the owner's settings. I hope this helps!
We do not have to split the commission with the teammate correct?
Commission splits can be set at 100%, so there is no requirement to have a split.
Hi Alan,
Our assistant will need to search for customers. Is there a way that they can be set up to see ALL customers amongst all of our planners easily without having to change planners?
Hi Shana! There is not a method to search for one member's clients from a different member's account -- this will need to be done by switching to the account where the client is listed.
The one exception is the team owner, who can search agency-wide in the Commissions & Sales report on the Details and Payments tabs to find an item or payment regardless of the agent.
Hello Alan,
Figuring out if this is the product for us... our agency works as a team and we all manage each others' groups when one is not in... am I wrong to assume that we would not be able to do this with TJ? I do have a bunch of questions and would love a demo. Let me know if possible!
Hi Elizabeth! You can set up your accounts in such a way that you can all manage each other's dashboards as needed. Check out this guide for more.
To sign up for our weekly live demo, you can visit https://join.tjoy.io/101!
Can we change the paid by option after the team member has been set up?
Hi Amy! The team owner can change this by removing and re-inviting the team member with the new payment method selected.
No data will be lost during this transition!
There is no app for TravelJoy right?
Hi Sandra! We do not offer a downloadable/installable version of the app.
TravelJoy is fully compatible with mobile devices like phones and tablets, and opens in your mobile browser such as Chrome or Safari. We recommend landscape/horizontal mode for the best experience.
Hi, I have added an assistant but the email invitation is not getting sent! We have checked junk, deleted, and everywhere else. I chose the option to "Resend Invite" and it appears to complete, but the email never shows up! It did show up the very first time but it had expired. So now we are trying to send it again and it isn't working! How can I troubleshoot this?
Hi Jessica! I see that you've also sent in a support ticket for this question, so I'll be responding to your request in that location as I'll need a few extra details to assist you! 😊
How can I invite team members/assistants without having to pay for their membership? I want my advisors to pay for their own memberships with their own personal credit or debit cards. Is this possible?!!
Change the “paid by” field to the agent.
How does the team member add their profile photo?
Hi Alaysia! To update a profile photo on a TravelJoy account, you can navigate to the "Settings" tab then click "Account." From here, you can then click the "Profile photo" section where the preferred photo can be added!
If my agent already has a travel joy, can I still invite them under my travel joy team?
Hi Gandi! If an agent you are inviting to your team already has a TravelJoy account, you can still invite them to your team! You can review steps to do this here: Add or remove a team member or assistant account
Hi Cody,
I can do that for myself. However, when my team member tries to go to "Settings" then "Account" she receives the following message: "It looks like you don't have permission to access that page. If you feel this is a mistake, please contact your agency owner." Because of this, she is unable to change her profile photo from the generic white and grey icon. It appears that there is no way for team members to add a profile photo.
Hi Alaysia! Thanks so much for following up! We'd love to take a closer look and help out with this. Please reach out to us with this at hello@traveljoy.com so we can take a deeper dive here and assist you!
Are there any plans to expand the teams functionality? I would love to grow my team with TravelJoy but right now there are 3 issues:
1. You can't transfer contacts/ share contacts between your agents. Each agent would have to upload the contact. (This would be an issue if you have a specialist in an area and other agents refer their clients to the specialist for one trip)
2. If you do an agency group, there's not a way to have all of the bookings in one place if booked by multiple agents on your team. Each agent would be responsible for their own booking. So if you needed to send out a blanket reminder to the entire group, you (as the admin) would have to log onto each agents dashboard to send the email/statement to everyone.
3. Commission reconciliation is not easily accomplished (it’s more steps than most other crms.)
If the owner hasn’t paid, can the team member contact TJ to be removed? Or can only the owner remove them?
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