Referring a trip allows you to "move" that trip from your dashboard to the dashboard of your selected team member. This feature is only available to team owners and cannot be reversed.
Note: Once you receive a referred trip, we recommend that you send the client a message from the trip to introduce yourself, and to provide the client with a way to contact you about the trip.
What happens when you refer a trip
Referring a trip will create a copy of the trip on the selected team member's dashboard. This new trip will replace the old trip for all purposes moving forward, and will include all of the following items as they exist at the time of referral:
- This trip's basic details (name, destination, dates)
- This trip's message history
- Basic traveler details (first name, last name, email)
The following items cannot be transferred to the new trip:
- Trip Files (including Forms, Proposals, and Invoices)
- Trip Tasks
- Additional traveler details (such as date of birth)
The original trip on the owner's dashboard is then archived. If the trip was set up for collaboration using private notes, this collaboration ends when the trip is archived.
How to refer a trip
Open the trip from your dashboard or search bar, then click the three dots to the left of the blue Create button. In this menu, click the "Refer trip" option:
Next, choose the team member who will be taking over this trip and add an optional message to the trip's Notes section, then click the "Refer Trip" button:
So how would you in essence work as a team on one trip i.e. collaboration only allows you to do notes and referred only allow you to transfer the trip not work together on the trip.
Hi Jennae! What you are looking for is not available just yet, but collaboration as it exists today is an early effort to start adding some features to help with this. Keep your eyes out for additional collaborative features in the future!
You may also wish to check out our guide on sharing access between dashboards at as this could allow more of the type of full collaborative effort that you're seeking.
I would love to see the ability to refer trips from teammate to teammate not just from the team owner
Hi Ashley Flowers! This is a great feature request. While this isn't available currently, I can definitely see how it would be beneficial to be able to refer trips between team members. I've shared your insights here with our Product team!
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