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Managing email notification settings



  • Chris Burrell

    Can there be an option to receive notifications via text? My email is overrun and sometimes I miss the traveljoy emails letting me know a client has responded back. Having a texting option would be better for me.

  • Heather Jaynes

    Hi Chris! 

    At this time, TravelJoy does not have the capability to set up text message notifications, outside of email notifications on your cell phone. However, this is a great feature request! Please feel free to send it to the Support team at or through the blue support button! 😄

  • Cyndi Morgan

    Hi Chris,

    I was wondering the same thing. I get away too many emails from everyone, and important emails get lost in the madness.  Not to mention, if I turn on my email notifications, it never stops.  

  • Tracy Nicholson

    Yes! Me too! I need this feature!

  • Amanda Morris

    Is it possible to see when client views their Itinerary? This would be very helpful to make sure client has looked at it. It would also be helpful to see who has looked at the itinerary and how many times. 


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