Once you're done working on a trip, you can hide it by clicking the "Archive" button to the right of that trip on the dashboard. You'll choose an archive reason, such as "Completed" or "Cancelled," allowing you to track the history of your repeat clients.
The trip is moved from your "Active" list to your "Archived" list. This allows you to focus on upcoming travel while keeping your old documentation intact for reporting and follow-up.
Archive from within a trip
You can also archive a trip from within the trip itself. To do so, click the three dots beside the blue Create button at the top-right corner, click Archive, and then select a reason from the list.
Un-archive a trip
If a client was non-responsive for a while but they've returned, you may need to move a trip back to the "Active" list. To do so, click the "Archived" tab at the top-right corner of your dashboard, find the trip, and click the "Un-Archive" button.
Note: You can also search for the trip, open it, and click the "..." menu > "
Frequently asked questions regarding archiving:
Why can't I just delete the trip?
While you technically can delete some trips, this removes them from your sales and commission reporting, client history, and other important recordkeeping areas. These records are an important part of your business, so it's important to keep this data intact.
What happens to message notifications when I archive a trip?
Rest assured, archiving a trip doesn't mean you'll miss out on important messages from your clients. Even if a trip is archived, you will still be notified of new messages if they occur.
Will automations and tasks continue to function after archiving a trip?
Automations save time during active trips but are disabled once a trip is archived. This prevents unintended actions on archived trips and gives you full control over your workspace.
Tasks associated with the archived trip will also undergo changes. When a trip is archived, the tasks linked to that specific trip will no longer be visible on the calendar or task tab. This keeps your current workspace clutter-free. You can still access these tasks by visiting the tasks tab in the archived trip.
Can invoices be paid on an archived trip?
Yes, you can still accept payments for an archived trip. Both supplier invoices and direct invoices can still be completed. It's important to note that if your client has enrolled in auto-pay and you no longer wish to collect payment on an archived trip's invoice, it's essential to disable this feature to prevent any future withdrawals from their account. Learn how to cancel auto-pay on an invoice here.
Can I refund invoices for an archived trip?
Absolutely! Just because a trip is archived doesn't mean you lose the ability to manage finances. You can still refund payments collected through TravelJoy from the archived trip, just as you would for any other active trip. For direct invoices, you can process a refund by following the steps in this guide.
Where can we look up what archive reason was selected on an already archived trip?
Hi Aaron! This reason is listed on the client's profile, on their "Trips" tab:
If I archive a trip. Can client continue to view the proposal?
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